

Learn more about our undergraduate programs at Coker



We love helping students pursue their passions. 我们的学术课程由优秀的教师领导,致力于创造一个支持您的教育目标和领导力发展的学习环境. 你才刚刚开始你的大学之旅,我们承诺会陪伴你走好每一步. We invite you to explore the possibilities at 正规博彩十大网站.


Bachelor of 艺术s, Bachelor of 美术 and Bachelor of 音乐教育

  • B.A.

    If you have an insatiable curiosity, 强烈的正义感, and a desire to improve social conditions, a major in criminology will build on your natural abilities to prepare you for a fulfilling career. 你将学习犯罪的各个方面——从罪犯的心理动机到错综复杂的执法, 监狱和假释制度——充分了解美国的刑事司法制度,并探讨如何完善它.

    Check out our Criminology program! 

  • B.A. 或B.F.A.

    A dance classroom unlike most others, explore what interests your dance interests the most in a non-ridged set of degree requirements. 为了实现这个目标, immerse yourself in a curriculum that encourages 批判性思维, 社区外展, all while retaining our one-on-one discussion based learning model with your instructors



  • B.A. 或B.M.E.

    科克模式的独特之处在于,每一门教育课程都在真实的公立学校课堂上有相应的实地体验, where you’ll observe and work with PK-12 students. 这些实地经验, which begin in your first year and continue throughout the program, 给你真正的教学经验,从你的第一堂方法课(在你的第一年或第二年). Our program prepares you for certification, 但它也为你准备了强大的内容正规博彩十大网站和应用创新理念和教学模式的技能,以适应学生的个人需求. When you graduate with a Coker education degree, you graduate ready to be not just a teacher, but also a mentor and partner in the learning process.


    Learn more about our Education program!

  • B.A.

    通识研究专业提供多学科的教育,允许探索特定的兴趣,同时提供一个框架,以提高在几个领域的能力. 学生 study with faculty from various academic areas to complete coursework; the major can encompass coursework from the sciences, 社会科学, 艺术与人文, and other majors that offer courses to all students.

    Learn more about our General Studies program!

  • B.A.

    人文专业为学生提供建立在文科基础上的多学科教育. Particular fields of study include 艺术, 沟通, 英语, 跳舞, 历史, 剧院, 音乐与政治学.


    Learn more about our Humanities Program! 

  • B.A.

    科克的跨学科研究正规博彩十大网站帮助学生将他们的激情和才能结合起来,创造定制的研究领域. 主修一门学科通常涉及对单一学科的深入研究,而跨学科研究专业则是跨学科的, seeing how things connect and bringing them together.

    Interdisciplinarians bring different 技能 and backgrounds to the table, helping to forge connections and problem-solve. 在现代工作场所, where there is more 和更多的 integration between fields, interdisciplinarians have a marketable advantage.

    Interdisciplinary studies majors will learn specific 技能, 包括建立联系, 解决复杂问题, 领导, 战略思考, 沟通, 分析思考, 和协作.

    Learn more about our Interdisciplinary Studies program!

  • B.A. 或B.M.E.

    作为科克音乐专业的学生, whether you choose to study piano, 的声音, 或者音乐教育, 您将遵循严格而有益的课程,挑战并发展您的创造力和智力潜力.

    With personal guidance from accomplished faculty members, our discussion-based round table learning philosophy challenges students to explore, defend and communicate their ideas and creative perspective. 课堂外, students benefit from immediate opportunities for solo performances, 戏剧角色, 实习, regional and national ensemble tours, 出国留学 and study away opportunities.

    正规博彩十大网站 is accredited by the National Association of Schools of 音乐 (NASM).


    Learn more about our 音乐 program! 

  • B.A.

    Public Administrators work for entities with a mission to serve the public and the common good. If you’ve always hoped to change the world for the better as part of your job, Public Administration is the program for you.

    Check out our Public Administration program! 

  • B.A.

    At its core, sociology is the study of human behavior in a group setting. Sociology majors develop a number of practical scientific 技能 including reSearch, 计算机与统计, 早在大一就有机会通过参与学院研究正规博彩十大网站来应用这些技能. Studying sociology gives you the ability to analyze information, 得出有意义的结论, and communicate and apply that knowledge in various complex situations.

    Check out our Sociology program!

  • B.A.

    Take part in this challenging curriculum which can’t only be studied, you must take action in the work. From performance to playwriting, 您将沉浸在这个充满活力的课程中,为您提供从制作到研讨会的宝贵实践经验, 实习, 出国留学, 和更多的.


    • 一般剧院
    • 表演
    • 技术剧院
    • 音乐剧


    • 剧院



Coker is the right fit for your next journey.

The admissions process can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be.

  • 94%合格率
  • SAT和ACT可选



  • B.S. 或B.A.

    For biology majors at Coker, learning happens up-close. Classes combine our signature round-table learning with hands-on reSearch and 实习. You won’t have to wait for graduate school to get into a lab!

    早在你大一的时候, 你将有机会直接与教职员工一起工作,以获得专业经验. Many students also conduct field reSearch at Kalmia Gardens of 正规博彩十大网站, a 35-acre botanical garden just minutes away from campus.

    我们的课程建立在这样一种信念之上,即在本科阶段的研究可以培养信心,并为您了解当前和未来的生物学研究做好准备. Coker faculty encourage exploration, curiosity, and active participation in your field of choice.



  • B.S.


    Our program is business-oriented, giving students a rounded and practical experience that expands beyond IT 技能 alone. 它将教学生如何通过“强化”网络和设备来建立针对网络攻击的实用防御, 调查违反, and ultimately how to think like a hacker.

    Check out our Cybersecurity program!

  • B.S.

    With starting salaries between $63,000 to $102,000, it’s clear that studying Data Analytics provides you with a great path to making six figures. There’s also never been a better time to enter the field, as jobs are growing 36% over the next decade – that’s much, much quicker than the average field. The door of opportunities is wide open.

    Check out our Data Analytics program! 

  • B.S.

    There are a lot of opportunities in the industry, and there’s a lot of money to be made. The video game industry is experiencing explosive revenue generation and growth, 随着这些数字的上升, so too do the number of job openings in the coming years.

    Check out our Game Development program! 

  • B.S.

    Jobs in 信息rmation Technology are growing way faster than the national average, 这意味着学习这一领域的人在毕业时可以有很多很好的选择.

    更重要的是, the median annual salary in IT is $97,430, that’s almost double what the average job pays. Employers are desperate for qualified candidates, and they’re willing to pay you handsomely to join them.


  • B.S.

    从第一天起, you’ll be developing close relationships with your professors, heading over to the gym to see your coursework in action, and discovering how to incorporate cutting-edge technology into the concepts you learn in class.

    更不用说你将有机会在课堂之外练习应用你的新技能. Coker students have completed 实习 at local businesses such as the YMCA, Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center, and Darlington Raceway—many of which have led to full-time jobs after graduation. +, 教授们经常带学生去参加诸如年度健康联盟(SC AHPERD)之类的活动, 体育课, Recreation and 跳舞) conference.

    在专业范围内, 你可以从五个专业中选择一个,根据你的个人兴趣和职业目标培养一套专业技能. Combined with a well-rounded liberal arts core, 毕业后,你将拥有建立一个成功而有意义的职业所需的一切.


    Check out our 体育课 & 体育研究课程! 

  • B.S.

    If you’re fascinated by understanding why people do the things that they do, you might consider majoring in psychology.

    以科学方法为基础, psychology explores the big questions related to society and humankind. Psychology majors study how to predict, interpret and control behaviors, 学习研究方法以及如何通过观察和科学分析从结果中得出结论. 作为奖励, 心理学专业的学生也可以洞察他们周围的世界和他们自己的个人发展——包括动机, 价值观和优势.


    Check out our Pyschology program! 

  • B.S.

    A Public Health degree is for people who wanna make a difference in the world. 是的, 薪水不错,工作机会也在增加——但在这个领域,你的工作可以治愈社区,改善生活.

    Check out our Public Health Program! 

护理 & 在进行职前培训计划

  • B.S.N.

    A degree from Coker provides you the knowledge, 技能, and education to thrive in the nursing field, all while providing you a degree from a nationally recognized university in Hartsville, 南卡罗来纳. That’s the power of a nursing program that’s grounded in the real work, at work for you.


    • RN转BSN
    • 惠普对BSN
    • BSN
    • RN转MSN


  • 在进行职前培训计划

    There is no specific major that prepares a student for pharmacy school. Instead, pharmacy schools require the completion of prerequisite courses. 这个3 + 1正规博彩十大网站提供了南卡罗来纳医科大学(MUSC)和麻省理工学院所需的先决条件, depending on the student’s grade point average and PCAT score, a guaranteed interview at MUSC for their Pharmacy program.

    If accepted into the pharmacy program at MUSC, the student will spend the fourth year in the program, 因此, 在正规博彩十大网站毕业前完成药学博士学位四年级的第一学年.


    Check out our Pre-Pharmaceutical研究 program! 


准备好开启你的未来? Check out the academic calendar, discover the three pillars of success after college, explore the University’s technology resources, and learn how your time at Coker can be a transformative experience.

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正规博彩十大网站 sits on a picturesque 15-acre campus, nestled in a historic neighborhood on the edge of Hartsville, 南卡罗来纳. Schedule a tour and see for yourself why students and faculty love calling Coker home, or get a feel for the surroundings with our video tour.





McLeod Health Partners with 正规博彩十大网站 on 护理 Education Program

As a partner in nursing education for the region, McLeod Health has made a contribution of $75,000到正规博彩十大网站


正规博彩十大网站 chooses Creative Dining 服务 as its new food service partner

正规博彩十大网站, a student-focused private Liberal 艺术s College located in Hartsville, SC, 选D。


正规博彩十大网站 校友 Support Means a New Hitting Facility for the Baseball Program


Be part of our community, as we work together to learn, lead, and inspire.

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